Elections 2024

On June 9, 2024, two significant elections will take place simultaneously in Hungary: the municipal and European Parliamentary elections. We have gathered all the important information regarding these events to help you navigate the electoral process and provide information on the importance of voting. Check out our detailed guides, useful links, and the latest news to participate in the democratic decision-making process preparedly. Don't miss out on this opportunity to voice your opinion and participate in shaping community and European affairs!

Idővonal kép

Why is it important to go and vote?

Financial security and prosperity are crucial elements of our lives. In terms of solving societal issues, it is essential to determine the sources that can provide the necessary resources to effectively address challenges. It is the responsibility of political actors to create a space for cooperation and make decisions that serve the welfare of our community. The Solution Movement offers a platform through which a modern and advanced Hungary can be collectively built with the involvement of people. To embark on this path, the movement seeks the assistance and cooperation of voters.

Difficult years are behind us; we cannot give up our demand for change and our hope. Although parliamentary elections are not currently approaching, representatives entering local governments and the European Parliament can bring positive changes to our lives in the short term and contribute to the possibility of change. The Solution Movement urges voters to help them with their votes to ensure that as many representatives as possible are elected to local governments and the European Parliament who aim to make Hungary and Europe a better place.

The movement emphasizes that each vote is significant in the path of change, and everyone can contribute to creating a modern, livable, and prosperous Hungary. You are also needed for change!


Hands in the air in a sunny weather

Who can participate in the elections on June 9th?

Every Hungarian and non-Hungarian citizen who has reached the age of 18 and has a registered residence or place of residence in Hungary can participate in the elections. The entire territory of Hungary constitutes a single electoral district, so every voter can cast their vote on the same list.

Where can I vote?

Everyone can vote at their permanent residence. More precisely, at the address provided in the notification, which includes the electoral district and polling station number. If someone wants to vote elsewhere, they need to request to be transfered to another polling station. Assistance is provided for people with reduced mobility and disabilities, including the option of requesting a mobile ballot box, which allows voting from home.

How can I transfer to another polling station?

The request for absentee voting must be submitted by 16:00 on May 31, 2024. It can be arranged online or at the local election office, the contact information is also available on the www.valasztas.hu website. The detailed procedure is also described in the election notification.

How can I vote from abroad?

Hungarians residing abroad can vote by mail or at embassies, as informed in the election notification received by mail.

When can I vote?

The polling stations will be open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.

What is needed to vote?

Before voting, the committee in the room will request an identification document with a photo (ID card, passport, or driver's license) and the residence card. Based on these, they will verify whether the voter is listed in the electoral register and whether they belong to the respective polling station based on their address.

What should I do if I did not receive a notification?

It is advisable to contact the local election committee. Their contact information can be found on the www.valasztas.hu website.

How do I know if I can vote for a national minority candidate?

Information about the right to vote for national minority candidates can be found in the notification, and there is also the option for online registration or registration at the local election office.

Municial electionEuropean parliament election